Monday, September 20, 2010

Longest day in the history of ever

Ever have one of those days?  You know the ones: those days.  One of those days can mean any number of things.  The other week I had one of those days where everything goes wrong from start to finish: being pelted by gravel on the interstate, stepping in dog poo, accidentally plucking half your eyebrow off.  Basically, a day where Murphy and his stupid little law lurk behind you and laugh mockingly as the day progressively gets worse.  

Today I had nothing particularly bad happen.  But, still, it has been one of those days.  The day that seems never ending.  Where you stare at the clock and swear the second hand is taking hours to tick on by.  I started at 7:30 and just got home from my Monday night class at 9:30.  A long day, indeed, though there is nothing unusual in that.  What is unusual -- wait, scratch that, what is completely and totally frustrating and maddening -- is that this day seemed to last a week. 

The space-time continuum was working just fine as I was rushing around like a mad woman to get ready so I wouldn't be late for class.  But then time seemed to freeze.  A 50 minute class felt like a semester's worth of discussion on lyric poets (ok, now that is a nightmare, shudder).  My sandwich at lunch, though eaten at a normal pace, seemed to last only between 12:30 and 12:31.  A mere 6 hours of work felt like a full 40 hour week.  And that only takes me to 6pm.  I won't even get started on my night class and how a 1RM arm and leg press seemed to span the length of an entire work out.

So, after making it through this eternal day on 5 hours of sleep, I come home to realize I still have a decent chunk of homework to complete before I can fall into bed.  Well, hell - finally!  Finally a positive to this horrible day:  I can do my work and still be in bed by midnight.

But, alas, the clocks have started operating at full function once again.  Such is life.

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